Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cartoonize your picture with cartoonize.net

Wanna make your picture like a cartoon? I am looking for one, as I will use my cartoonized image for my new website. So, I went and looked online. I found "cartoonize.net". This picture lets you upload your image and apply cartoon effect to your picture. I tried it, and it's pretty cool. Here is the result:

The nice things about this website are
  • It's free!
  • You don't need to create any account. Just upload and choose your image
  • You can download the image after it is cartoonized. There is a little watermark "cartoonized.net" on the bottom right corner. But you can crop it out. 

There is a desktop version for $19.95, where you can convert your images in batch, and you can do it offline. To me, I think it's expensive because I'm a casual user. For now, online conversion is all I need.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

[Book Review] The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How Three Harvard Business School Graduates Learned the 10 Rules of Successful Entrepreneurship by Bill Murphy Jr.

Rating: 4.5/5
Genre: Non-Fiction, Business
Book Review:

      As the name suggested, this book is about how to become an entrepreneur. But, more importantly, it is about how to become one intelligently. It starts off with why a lot of entrepreneurs fail. Then it presents 10 rules that will help you to become a successful entrepreneur. If you are planning on becoming an entrepreneur, you should really read this book. If you are not, you might as well read this book because it is quite intesting. It’s fun to read and along the way, who knows, you might change your mind and want to become an entrepreneur.