Sunday, July 26, 2009

[AIT09] TCP Agent

This question is from Rujipol:

  1. Why does a TCP protocol need 3-way handshake? When does it being used?
  2. What does functionalities that TCP have that UDP does not have?
  3. What does variable "reason" in ~/tcp.h do? When does it being used?
  4. How many error control mechanism does TCP have? What are they?
[I suggest you to answer one question only]


Anonymous said...

[Karin 107985]
1) The TCP protocol needs 3-way handshake reliable transmission.

Anonymous said...

[Nakrop Jinaporn 107936]

From Q4,
ACK, Timeout and Loss detection are the error control of TCP.

Anonymous said...

[Thanapol 107929]
The 3-way handshake is used at the connection setup

[Preechai, 108021] said...

[Preechai, 108021]
3 What does variable "reason" in ~/tcp.h do? When does it being used?
It is the reason of how the error occors defined in tcp header, use in error control mechanism.

Tech News said...

Thein Tun Aung/st108032
we set the syn_ variable to TURE in Agent/TCP to simulate the 3 way handshake.

Unknown said...

The 3-way handshake enhance the reliability of transmission i.e. packet loss, and also flow control by increasing or decreasing the rate. Thats why Tcp uses 3way handshake.

As Tcp is connection oriented but Udp doent but the main functioality of tcp is error and flow control which Udp have not.

Two mechanism are being used for error control based on Acknowledgement and timeout.