Sunday, June 20, 2010

C++ and OTcl Linkage: Binding C++ and OTcl classes — Part II

Note: The content in this series is extracted from the book, Introduction to Network Simulator NS2. You may have to read chapter 3 of the book for better understanding.


This post is the second post in the series on C++ and OTcl Linkage:

   1. Why Two Languages?
   2. Binding C++ and OTcl classes [Main steps, The mechanism].
   3. Variable binding
   4. OTcl command: Invoking C++ statements from the OTcl domain
   5. Eval and result: Invoking OTcl statements from the C++ domain
   6. Object binding and object construction process.

In the previous post, I blogged about how C++ and OTcl classes are bound together. In this post, I will explain the internal mechanism of the binding process.

Let return to our example
Our objective was to bind two following classes together:
  • C++ class name = MyObject
  • OTcl class name = MyOTclObject
The main step in doing so was to add the following code in a C++ file
1 #include "otcl.h"
2 static class MyObjectClass : public TclClass {
3 public:
4    MyObjectClass() : TclClass("MyOTclObject") {}
5    TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
6       return (new MyObject());
7   }
8 }  class_my_object;

In this post, we are going see what the above codes mean.

It's Just Declaration of a Variable
The above codes look quite scary. But it is quite simple. Let us go step by step, shall we?
  • I. We can declare a static C++ variable class_my_object whose class is MyObjectClass as follows.
static MyObjectClass class_my_object;
  • II. Now, class MyObjectClass has not been declared. We need to insert class definition before the variable declaration. The code would look like this. 
static class MyObjectClass : public TclClass {
}  class_my_object;
which says that class MyObjectClass derives from class TclClass.

Class Definition

There are 2 main steps in class definition
1. Class constructor (Line 4)
MyObjectClass() : TclClass("MyOTclObject") {}
which feeds the OTcl class name MyOTclObject to the based class TclClass. 
2. Function create(...) (Lines 4-7)

This function is invoked when a MyOTclObject object is created in the OTcl domain using the following statement
new MyOTclObject
What function create(...) does is to create and return a C++ object, namely MyObject, to the caller (Line 6).

So the above chunk of codes is just declaration of  a class and a static variable which maps a C++ class MyObject to an OTcl class MyOTclObject.
When an OTcl object is created, NS2 looks up the repository of mapping variables, and calls function creates(...) in order to create a shadow C++ object. I will blog about the object creation process again later in this series.
T. Issaraiyakul and E. Hossain, “Introduction to Network Simulator NS2”, Springer 2009.

You may also find lecture notes and other resource at the following website:

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