Monday, March 2, 2009


A classifier is a multi-target packet forwarder. It classifies incoming packets into categories, and forwards packets in the same categories to the same object.

Main characteristic:
  • A classifier installs the target in its array slot_
  • A classifier is an NsObject. Therefore, it receives a packet using its function recv(p,h).
  • When receiving a packet p, it looks for a matching slot (i.e., node = find(p)) and forward th packet to the object installed in that slot (i.e., node->recv(p,h))
  • Function finds looks for a slot (i.e., cl) with matching criterion, using function classify(p).
  • Function classify(p) returns a slot with matching criterion. It is defined in the derived class.
void Classifier::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
NsObject* node = find(p);
if (node == NULL) {

NsObject* Classifier::find(Packet* p)
NsObject* node = NULL;
int cl = classify(p);
if (cl <>= nslot_ || (node = slot_[cl]) == 0) {
/*There is no potential target in the slot;*/
return (node);
Example: Suppose we would like to forward packets with port "i" to the same object.
1. Install NsObject in slot_[i] of the classifier
2. Make function classify(p) return the port number of "p"

For more information about Classifiers, see Chapter 6 in the following book from Springer:

T. Issaraiyakul and E. Hossain, "Introduction to Network Simulator NS2", Springer 2008.

You may also find the following website useful:

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