For a while, I have been reading a lot. Well, mostly listening, since I usually "read" audiobook. I have also reviewed and done book summary at this blog.
I decided that it's time to escalate my passion and effort for my reading. So I decided to run a new website "" Currently, I am touching up the website. I am planning to launch the website on 12/12/12 (nice date, isn't it?) Here is a sample page:
I will document what I learn from reading there. The first book that I will do is "The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How Three Harvard Business School Graduates Learned the 10 Rules of Successful Entrepreneurship" by Bill Murphy Jr. [ Read The Book Review Here ].
I wish you will go there. And, if you find the content interesting, I hope that you'll come back and visit the website regularly. I hope that you will tell your friends about the website. And, I hope that you'll also tell your enemy about the website :)
As for this blog, I will still keep posting miscellaneous things like cartoonized your picture.